Water News Archived Water retail licence application for exemption - Whyalla Golf Club Inc - Archived - The Commission has received an application from Whyalla Golf Club Inc for an exemption from the requirement to hold a water retail licence under the Water Industry Act 2012. Whyalla Golf Club provides a non-potable water service to two non-residential customers. Surrender of water retail licence – Outback Communities Authority - Archived - On 18 July 2018, the Outback Communities Authority surrendered its water retail licence. The water service provided by the Outback Communities Authority has been transferred to SA Water, which assumed responsibility on 1 July 2018. SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020 – SA Water’s submission to guidance papers 6 & 7 - Archived - The Commission has received from SA Water a submission in relation to Guidance Papers 6 and 7 for the SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020. SA Water regulatory determination 2020 - progress update - Archived - The Commission has published an update on the progress of SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020. Water retail licence application – NWIC Pty Ltd - Archived - The Commission has received an application from NWIC Pty Ltd for a water retail licence for the provision of non-drinking water to residential and commercial customers located in the Northern Adelaide Plains. SA Water regulatory performance report 2016-17 - The Commission has released the SA Water Regulatory Performance Report 2016-17. Approval of SA Water’s application to vary its water retail licence - Archived - The Commission has varied SA Water’s water retail licence to authorise the provision of retail services, operations or activities provided, carried on or undertaken by the licensee from time to time. SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020: release of a further Guidance Paper - Archived - The Commission has released a further Guidance Paper for SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020, relating to a proposal for updating the regulatory rate of return on an annual basis. Variation to water retail licence application – Alano Utilities - Archived - The Commission varied Alano Utilities Pty Ltd’s water retail licence authorising to provide non-drinking water to residential and commercial customers. SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020 external post-project review report released for further stakeholder feedback - Archived - The Commission engaged Dr Patrick Walsh, a former Chairperson of the Commission, to conduct a post-project review to gather stakeholders views on the process used to undertake SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020 (SAWRD20). SA Water regulatory determination 2020: draft framework and approach submissions received - Archived - The Commission has received five submissions to its draft framework and approach for SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020. Water retail licence application – Enwave Tonsley Pty Ltd - Archived - The Commission has received an application from Enwave Tonsley Pty Ltd for a water retail licence. The applicant is seeking a licence to provide non-drinking water to 850 residential and 20 commercial customers at the Tonsley Innovation District, located at Clovelly Park. SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020: progress update - Archived - The SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020 (SAW RD20) review process has reached its next stage, with meetings of the Negotiation Forum commencing. The Commission has also released the SA Consumer Experts Panel Priorities Report and the SA Water Regulators Working Group Charter. Water retail licence variation application – Alano Utilities Pty Ltd - Archived - The Commission has received an application from Alano Utilities Pty Ltd in accordance with the Water Industry Act 2012. The licensee is seeking to vary its water industry retail licence to allow for the provision retail services to customers connected to a sewerage service in Liberty and Eden Hills estates at Two Wells. SA Water regulatory performance report 2017-18 - The Commission has released a fact sheet reporting on SA Water’s regulatory performance during the period 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018. Submissions received to the 2019 review of water third party access regime - Archived - The Commission has received three submissions in response to the consultation paper for the 2019 review of the water third party access regime. Decision to make a price determination to apply to Robusto Investments Pty Ltd (trading as Compass Springs) - Archived - Robusto Investments Pty Ltd (Robusto) is proposing to increase its drinking water prices to apply to approximately 170 customers at Mount Compass, approximately 50km south of Adelaide. The Commission has determined that, based on information provided by Robusto to date, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that its proposed prices are based on efficient costs. The Commission will therefore commence a transparent and consultative process to make a price determine that will apply separately to Robusto, as distinct from the existing price determination that applies to minor and intermediate water retailers. Submissions to SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020 - Archived - The Commission has received nine submissions on SA Water's Regulatory Business Proposal for 2020. SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020: framework and approach - Archived - The Commission has developed, through a public consultation process, the framework and approach for the next economic regulatory determination to apply to SA Water from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2024 (SAW RD20). Review of water third party access regime - final report - Archived - The Commission has released its final report on the review of the third party access regime that applies to the South Australian water industry. That report was provided to the Minister for Environment and Water in May 2019. In accordance with the Water Industry Act 2012 (and following a recommendation of the Commission), the operation of the third party access regime was extended by five years from 1 July 2019. SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020: release of further guidance paper - Archived - The Commission has released a further Guidance Paper for SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020, relating to the proposed treatment of uncertain costs or benefits in SA Water’s capital expenditure plan for the 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2024 period. Update to Water Industry Guideline No 1 – Compliance Systems and Reporting - The Commission has updated Water Industry Guideline No 1 – Compliance Systems and Reporting, to reflect the outcomes of the final Regulatory Determination to apply to SA Water for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2024. Variation to water retail licence application – District Council of Orroroo Carrieton - Archived - The Commission has received an application from DC of Orroroo Carrieton for a variation its water retail SA Water - Operational performance statistics - Archived - The Commission has published quarterly statistics on SA Water’s operational performance against the annual service standard targets and other indicators. Subsequent determination to vary 2013-17 price determination for minor and intermediate water retailers - Archived - The Commission has varied the 2013-2017 Price Determination for Minor and Intermediate Water Retailers by extending the term of this determination for a further 12 months, to 30 June 2018. Approval of the District Council of Peterborough’s application for a water retail licence - Archived - On 20 June 2018, the Commission granted a water retail licence to the District Council of Peterborough to provide sewerage services to 1,075 residential and non-residential customers in the township of Peterborough. Approval of Lightsview Re-Water Supply’s application to transfer a water retail licence - Archived - On 20 June 2018, the Commission approved the transfer of a water retail licence from Water Utilities Australia Pty Ltd to Lightsview Re-Water Supply Co Pty Ltd. This licence authorises the operation of water services at Lightsview and surrounding suburbs. Water retail licence variation - Alano Utilities - Archived - The Commission has varied the water retail licence held by Alano Utilities Pty Ltd to authorise the retailing of sewerage services at Two Wells up to a maximum of 475 connections. Variation to 2013-2017 Price Determination for minor and intermediate water retailers to extend its operation - Archived - In June 2013, the Commission made a price determination to apply to minor and intermediate water retailers to apply for the period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2017 (Price Determination). The Commission’s final decision is to further extend the term of the Price Determination. Commission’s website to host research on water consumers’ views and issues - Archived - The Commission has established a central repository to host research that has been undertaken on the issues that are of interest to water consumers in South Australia. This will allow all stakeholders to share their research and to gain a better understanding of the research undertaken by others. SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020: release of further Guidance Papers - Archived - The Commission has released two further Guidance Papers for SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020, relating to the treatment of inflation and the selection of the averaging period of the risk free rate for the purposes of calculating the regulatory rate of return. Water retail licence application for exemption – University of South Australia - Archived - The Commission has received an application from University of South Australia for an exemption to operate a water retail licence in accordance with the Water Industry Act 2012. The applicant is seeking approval for an exemption to provide non-drinking water to one non-residential customer. SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020 - final determination - Archived - The Commission has released the final Regulatory Determination to apply to SA Water for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2024 (SAW RD20). The Determination establishes reductions to the total revenue that SA Water may recover during the four-year period commencing 1 July 2020, of 16 percent ($494 million) and 4 percent ($54 million) for drinking water and sewerage retail services respectively, as compared to the amounts determined for the current four-year period (2016-2020). Approval of Monarto Water Network Ltd application for a water retail licence - Archived - On 14 February 2018, the Commission granted a water retail licence to Monarto Water Network Ltd authorising the sale and supply of non-drinking water to residential customers in Monarto. Water Retail Licence exemption – Glen Meadow Community Water Association Inc - Archived - On 16 February 2018 the Commission, with the approval of the Minister for Water and the River Murray, granted Glen Meadow Community Water Association Incorporated an exemption from the requirement to hold a water retail licence. Approval of water retail licence variation and application - The Flinders Ranges Council - Archived - On 7 February 2018, the Commission varied The Flinders Ranges Council water retail licence to separate its operations into two water retail licences; one licence for the provision of sewerage services to the township of Quorn and the other licence for the provision of sewerage services to the township of Hawker. Water Retail Licence exemption – Whyalla Golf Club Inc - Archived - On 14 February 2018, the Commission, with the approval of the Minister for Water and the River Murray, granted Whyalla Golf Club an exemption from the requirement to hold a water retail licence. 2019 Review of the water third party access regime - draft report - Archived - The Commission is undertaking a review of the third party access regime that applies to specified water and sewerage infrastructure services in South Australia. The Commission’s draft finding is that the access regime should continue for a five-year period from 1 July 2019. SA Water draft regulatory determination 2020 - Archived - This SA Water Draft Regulatory Determination 2020 proposes reductions to the total revenue that SA Water may recover during the four-year period commencing 1 July 2020, of 18 percent ($547 million) and 13 percent ($164 million) for drinking water and sewerage retail services respectively, as compared to the amounts determined for the current four-year period (2016-2020). Submissions on this Draft Determination are welcomed by 15 April 2020. All submissions will be considered before a Final Determination is made in May 2020. SA Water regulatory performance report 2018-19 - The Commission has released the Regulatory Performance Report 2018-19 for SA Water. SA Water regulatory performance report 2019-20 - The Commission has released the Regulatory Performance Report 2019-20 for SA Water. Submissions received – 2019 Review of the water third party access regime draft report - Archived - The Commission has received one submission, from SA Water, to the draft report on the 2019 Review of the water third party access regime. Proposal to vary the 2013-2017 price determination for minor and intermediate retailers - Archived - The Commission is proposing to amend the price determination for minor and intermediate retailers. The amended price determination would apply from 1 July 2017. Water retail licence applications – District Council of Peterborough and Lightsview Re-Water Supply Co - Archived - The Commission has received two applications for water retail licences in accordance with the Water Industry Act. The District Council of Peterborough is seeking a licence to provide sewerage service in the township of Peterborough. Lightsview Re-Water Supply Co Pty Ltd is seeking approval for the transfer of the water retail licence currently held by the Water Utilities Australia Pty Ltd for the provision of water services at Lightsview in the suburb of Northsgate Variation to 2013-17 price determination for minor and intermediate retailers to extend its operation - Archived - In June 2013, the Commission made a price determination to apply to minor and intermediate water retailers to apply for the period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2017 (Price Determination). The key requirement of the price determination is that minor and intermediate water retailers comply with the National Water Initiative Pricing Principles when charging for water and sewerage services. The Commission now proposes to further extend the term of the Price Determination. Approval granted for a water retail licence - Enwave Tonsley Pty Ltd - Archived - The Commission issued a water retail licence to Enwave Tonsley Pty Ltd to provide non-drinking water to 850 residential and 20 commercial customers at the Tonsley Innovation District, located at Clovelly Park Submissions received – SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020 - Archived - The Commission has received 69 public submissions on the SA Water Draft Regulatory Determination 2020. Water retail licence application – Monarto Water Network - Archived - The Commission has received an application from Monarto Water Network Limited. The applicant is seeking a water retail licence for the provision of non-drinking water to residential customers within the township of Monarto. SA Water regulatory determination 2020: draft framework and approach - Archived - The Commission is consulting on its proposed Framework and Approach for the SA Water Regulatory Determination to apply from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2024 (SAW RD20). Review of water third party access regime – consultation paper - Archived - The Commission is conducting a review of the third party access regime under the Water industry Act 2012, with a recommendation to be made to the Minister for Environment and Water as to whether or not the regime should continue from 1 July 2019 for a further five years. Water retail licence application for exemption - Adelaide Hills Berry Farms Pty Ltd - Archived - Adelaide Hills Berry Farms Pty Ltd provides non-potable water services to residential and non-residential customers in Uraidla. The Commission, with approval from the Minister, granted Adelaide Hills Berry Farms Pty Ltd an exemption from the requirement to hold a water retail licence under the Water Industry Act 2012. The exemption from the requirement to hold a water retail licence was approved on 22 December 2016, for a three year period ending 31 December 2019. The Commission is currently considering whether to extend the term of this exemption for a further three year period. Public consultation on SA Water’s 2020-2024 regulatory plan commences - Archived - SA Water has released its proposed plan for delivering water and sewerage services to customers from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2024. The Commission welcomes comments from all stakeholders on SA Water’s proposed plan and the reports of the Chair of the Customer Negotiation Committee and Independent Probity Advisor. Written submissions should be provided by 20 December 2019. Approval granted for water licence application – NWIC Pty Ltd - Archived - The Commission issued a water retail licence to NWIC Pty Ltd, authorising the provision of non-drinking water to residential and non-residential customers located in the Northern Adelaide Plains. Decision to make a price determination to apply to Robusto Investments Pty Ltd - Archived - The Commission has released a draft regulatory determination proposing to set a maximum revenue cap in relation to the drinking water retail services provided by Robusto Investments Pty Ltd. Feedback on the draft regulatory determination is being sought by close of business, Friday 15 January 2021. Water retail licence application – District Council of Orroroo Carrieton - Archived - The Commission varied the District Council of Orroroo Carrieton’s water retail licence authorising for the provision of sewerage services at Orroroo. Specifically, the operation of a Community Wastewater Management System and associated infrastructure. Water retail licence application for exemption - Glen Meadow Community Water Association Inc - Archived - The Commission has received an application from the Glen Meadow Community Water Association Incorporated for an exemption from the requirement to hold a water retail licence under the Water Industry Act 2012. Glen Meadow Community Water Association Incorporated provides non-potable water to 79 residential customers. Water retail licence applications - SA Water and The Flinders Ranges Council - Archived - The Commission has received applications for the variation of water retail licences held by SA Water and the Flinders Ranges Council. Submissions invited on the SAWRD20: monitoring and evaluating performance consultation paper - Archived - The Commission has published a consultation paper on the practical implementation of the monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework that will apply to SA Water over the 2020-2024 regulatory period. While key elements of the framework have already been publicly consulted upon, and decided (through SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020), this paper invites feedback on the proposed approach to implementation. Update of Water Industry Guideline No 2 – regulatory information requirements – major retailers - Archived - The Commission has updated the Water Industry Guideline No 2 – regulatory information requirements - major retailers, to reflect the outcomes of the final regulatory determination and the Water Retail Code - major retailers to apply to SA Water for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2024. Water retail licence application for exemption – University of South Australia - Archived - The Commission, with the approval of the Minister for Environment and Water, granted the University of South Australia an exemption from the requirement to hold a water retail licence under the Water Industry Act 2012 (Water Act). The University of South Australia provides non-drinking water to one non-residential customer. SA Water - Operational performance statistics - Archived - The Commission has published quarterly statistics on SA Water’s operational performance against the annual service standard targets and other indicators. Surrender of water retail licence – District Council of Yankalilla - Archived - On 9 July 2019, the District Council of Yankalilla surrendered its water retail licence. The water retail services previously provided by the District Council of Yankalilla have been transferred to SA Water. Variation to water retail licence – Alano Utilities Pty Ltd - Archived - The Commission has received an application from Alano Utilities Pty Ltd for a variation to its water retail licence for the provision of sewerage services to residential and commercial customers located at Wallaroo, Mount Barker and Two Wells. Change of name - Enwave Tonsley Pty Ltd to CPE Tonsley Pty Ltd - Archived - The Commission has received notification and supporting documentation from Enwave Tonsley Pty Ltd confirming its change of name from Enwave Tonsley Pty Ltd to CPE Tonsley Pty Ltd. Water news archived - Water archived news