Gas News Archived Review of Australian Gas Networks regulatory framework - final decision - Archived - The Commission has made a Final Decision on the review of its regulatory framework for Australian Gas Networks for 2021 – 2026. Submissions received on the review of Australian Gas Networks regulatory framework for 2021-2026 - Archived - The Commission has received three submissions on the Consultation Paper into the Review of Australian Gas Networks regulatory framework for 2021-2026. Variation to gas retail licence application – Elgas Limited - Archived - Elgas Limited has applied for a variation of its gas retail licence to provide reticulated LPG to the new Glenlea Estate development, located at Mount Barker. Elgas Limited is also seeking to clarify the current reticulation supply to the Bluestone Estate. Approval of Australian Gas Networks Limited's request for a new liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) distribution network - Archived - On 1 February 2017, the Commission approved a request from Australian Gas Networks Limited for a new distribution network under its licence; specifically, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) services in the Mount Barker, Littlehampton and Nairne area. Gas news archived - Gas archived news Submissions received – Review of Australian Gas Networks regulatory framework for 2021-2026 - Archived - The Commission has received three submissions on its Draft Decision in relation to the Review of Australian Gas Networks regulatory framework for 2021-2026. Review of Australian Gas Networks regulatory framework for 2021-2026 - Archived - The Commission has commenced a review of the effectiveness of its regulatory framework for Australia Gas Networks, with any changes to apply from 1 July 2021. Approval granted for a gas distribution licence - Enwave Tonsley Pty Ltd - Archived - The Commission issued a gas distribution licence to Enwave Tonsley Pty Ltd to operate a gas distribution network at the Tonsley Innovation District. Variation to gas retail licence – Elgas Limited - Archived - The Commission has varied Elgas Limited’s gas retail licence to provide reticulated LPG to the new Glenlea Estate, located at Mount Barker and to clarify the current reticulation supply locations. Review of Australian Gas Networks regulatory framework - draft decision - Archived - The Commission has made a Draft Decision on the review of its regulatory framework for Australian Gas Networks. Submissions should be provided by Friday 13 December 2019. The Commission will consider all submissions and representations as it prepares a Final Decision, due to be released in March 2020. Gas distribution licence application – Enwave Tonsley Pty Ltd - Archived - The Commission has received an applications from Enwave Tonsley Pty Ltd for a gas distribution licence. The applicant is seeking to operate a gas distribution network at the Tonsley Innovation District.