Ports Overview
The Maritime Services (Access) Act 2000 (MSA Act) came into operation on 31 October 2001 and provides for access to SA ports and maritime services on fair commercial terms and to regulate the price of essential maritime services. Essential maritime services are declared to be regulated industries for the purpose of the Essential Services Commission Act 2002.
The Commission regulates three types of port services:
- Essential Maritime Services - subject to price regulation with price monitoring;
- Regulated Services - subject to the ports access regime; and
- Maritime Services - a broader grouping of services subject to a range of review and notification processes, including:
- Notification of changes in pilotage charges
- development of service standards as appropriate, and
- keeping maritime industries under review to determine whether regulation is required.
The Commission is the economic regulator for six commercial ports in South Australia. Economic regulation applies only to 'proclaimed ports', under the MSA Act. The following six ports have been proclaimed:
- Port Adelaide
- Port Giles
- Wallaroo
- Port Pirie
- Port Lincoln and
- Thevenard.
Flinders Ports operates the ports listed above.
The Commission does not have a role in the Adelaide Container Terminal or other ports. For queries related to the Adelaide Container Terminal, please contact Flinders Ports - Adelaide Container Terminal. Alternatively, please refer to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport.
The Commission will release publications in relation to ports regulation, inviting comment from interested parties where appropriate. Please refer to the following resources for further information: