SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020: release of a further Guidance Paper - Archived

13 Dec 2019

The Commission has released a further Guidance Paper for SA Water Regulatory Determination 2020, relating to a proposal for updating the regulatory rate of return on an annual basis. The paper explains the advantages and limitations of the proposal, provides guidance on how the methodology intends to operate, and highlights key questions for stakeholder consideration.

The paper is technical in nature and should be read in conjunction with the July 2018 Framework and Approach paper and November 2018 Guidance Paper 5.

The Guidance Papers are intended to provide guidance to all stakeholders of the Commission’s initial positions on principles, requirements and methodology on matters relevant to the determination. That initial guidance is intended to inform the review, and the positions put may change during the review based on stakeholder feedback and the outcomes of SA Water’s engagement with its customers. 

Any comments provided by stakeholders on Guidance Papers will be taken into account by the Commission as it prepares for and undertakes the determination. Submissions on any of the Guidance Papers are welcome at any time.