Corporate News Archived Corporate news archived - Corporate archived news Paul Kerin - Commissioners and staff of the Essential Services Commission acknowledge with sadness the passing of Paul Kerin, the Commission’s former Chief Executive Officer, following a brief illness. Submissions received to the charter of consultation and regulatory practice review - The Commission has received seven submissions to the draft Charter, and thanks all those who provided submissions. The Commission will consider all submissions and representations as it prepares its final Charter. Strategy 2020-2023 - Archived - The Commission is pleased to launch its Strategy 2020-2023. Further submission received for the small-scale and off-grid water, gas and electricity services inquiry - Archived - The Commission has received a further submission to its Inquiry into regulatory arrangements for small-scale and off-grid water, gas and electricity. Stakeholder engagement survey 2018 - The Commission is pleased to present summary results of its recent stakeholder engagement survey. COVID-19 and customer hardship support - Archived - We are all facing significant challenges as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, with people and businesses’ day-to-day living and working arrangements, health and wellbeing and income-earning capacities all actually or potentially adversely affected. Under the Commission’s existing regulatory regime, all licensed water, sewerage, LPG and off-grid electricity service providers have a part to play in supporting customers through the current pandemic and as we move into the recovery phase. An important message to our stakeholders - Archived - As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, I would like to provide you an update on our current position and the precautionary measures that we have put in place, effective today, 16 March 2020. Charter of consultation and regulatory practice – review - The Commission is reviewing its Charter of Consultation and Regulatory Practice to ensure that it reflects the Commission’s current principled-based approach to regulation and consultation. Call for Expression of Interest - Consumer directors for the Energy & Water Ombudsman SA Board - Archived - The Commission is required to nominate four consumer directors for appointment to the Energy & Water Ombudsman SA Limited Board. The Commission is seeking to nominate directors that can represent and reflect the interests of consumers of electricity, gas and water services, or have experience with public interest or advocacy groups relevant to such services. Details on the selection criteria and terms of appointment are set out in the Call for Expressions of Interest. Charter of consultation and regulatory practice review - final decision - The Commission has completed a review of its Charter of consultation and regulatory practice to ensure that it reflects the Commission’s current approach to regulation and consultation. The Commission thanks stakeholders for their submissions to this review. 2018-19 ESCOSA Annual Report - The Commission is pleased to present its 2018-19 Annual Report under the Essential Services Commission Act 2002. The Annual Report outlines the work of the Commission in meeting its primary objective of protection of the long-term interests of South Australian consumers with respect to the price, quality and reliability of essential services. Strategic direction 2020-23 consultation - Have your say on the Commission’s strategic direction. We are currently developing our Strategy 2020-2023, which will shape and guide the approach to our work and allow us to be responsive to consumers’ needs in the broader regulatory, economic, social, legal and policy environment. 2019-20 ESCOSA Annual Report - Archived - The Commission is pleased to present its 2019-20 Annual Report under the Essential Services Commission Act 2002. The Annual Report outlines the work of the Commission in meeting its primary objective of protection of the long-term interests of South Australian consumers with respect to the price, quality and reliability of essential services. Disability Access and Inclusion Plan - Archived - The Commission has released its final Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP). The Commission’s draft disability access inclusion plan - Archived - The Commission is pleased to release its draft Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) for public consultation. Position Vacant – Director, People and Corporate - Archived - The Commission has a vacancy for a Director, People and Corporate. Further information on this vacancy, please visit the vacancy page on our website: