Rail News


Tarcoola to Darwin Railway: 5-year review of revenues 2018-19 to 2022-23 – consultation paper

In accordance with the AustralAsia Railway (‘Third Party Access’) Code, the Commission has commenced a periodic five-yearly review of the revenues earned on the Tarcoola to Darwin railway for below-rail services where no sustainable competitive prices exist. The period of review is 1 Jul ...

10 Dec 2024

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Review of SA Rail access regime and guidelines 2025 - Issues paper

In accordance with the Railways (Operations and Access) Act 1997, the Commission is commencing its 2025 review, which will involve two elements: a review of the South Australian intrastate rail access regime and a review of the Access Information and Pricing Principles Guideline and the Reporting an ...

17 Sep 2024

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Tarcoola to Darwin rail infrastructure: Review of asset valuation methodologies for periodic revenue reviews - final report

The Commission has released a final report on Tarcoola to Darwin rail infrastructure asset valuation methodologies for periodic revenue reviews.

13 Aug 2024

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Submissions received - Tarcoola to Darwin rail infrastructure: Review of asset valuation methodologies for periodic revenue reviews

The Commission has received two submissions to the draft report on the review of asset valuation methodologies for periodic revenue reviews. The Commission will consider all submissions and representations as it prepares its final report.

16 Apr 2024

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Tarcoola to Darwin rail infrastructure: review of asset value methodologies for periodic revenue reviews - draft report

The Commission has undertaken a review of the asset valuation methodologies to be used when conducting five-yearly reviews of the revenues earned by the provider of rail infrastructure services between Tarcoola and Darwin. Its draft finding is that a Depreciated Optimised Replacement Cost (DORC) as ...

21 Aug 2023

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Submissions received to the review of asset valuation methodologies for Tarcoola to Darwin rail infrastructure

The Commission has received four submissions on the discussion paper for the review of asset valuation methodologies for periodic revenue reviews for Tarcoola to Darwin rail infrastructure.

21 Mar 2023

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Review of asset valuation methodologies for Tarcoola to Darwin rail infrastructure - discussion paper

The Commission has released a discussion paper that explores the advantages and disadvantages of asset valuation methodologies that could be adopted for the purposes of periodically reviewing the revenues earned by the access provider of rail infrastructure services between Tarcoola and Darwin. The ...

7 Nov 2022

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Review of revenues for the Tarcoola to Darwin Railway 2013-14 to 2017-18 - final report

The Commission has conducted a five-year review of the revenues earned from third party access to below-rail services on the Tarcoola to Darwin rail line. Its final finding is that excessive revenues have not been earned over the period 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2018.

25 Mar 2022

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Review of the South Australian rail access regime - final report - Archived

The Commission has released its final report on the review of the third party access regime that applies to declared rail infrastructure services in South Australia. That report was provided to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport (Minister) in August 2020. The decision to continue or cease ...

28 Aug 2020

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Submissions received to the review of the South Australian rail access regime draft report - Archived

The Commission has received four public submissions and one confidential submission in response to the draft report.

3 Aug 2020

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