SA Water regulatory determination 2024

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The Commission has made a regulatory determination to apply to the water and sewerage retail services provided by SA Water Corporation (SA Water) from 1 July 2024: SA Water Regulatory Determination 2024 (SAWRD24). The determination regulates the revenues that SA Water can earn from its customers, and the service standards it must deliver for its customers.

SAWRD24 includes a price determination that sets four-year maximum revenue caps for the majority of SA Water’s water and sewerage retail services.  A separate price determination will set out pricing-related provisions in respect of recycled water and other ‘excluded’ retail services, that are not covered by the maximum revenue cap.

The regulatory determination is made in a long-term context:

  • Expenditure proposals must relate to (and should be drawn from) SA Water’s existing long-term asset management, financing and service delivery plans.
  • Those plans, in turn, should have been developed through ongoing, transparent and genuine customer, community and stakeholder engagement.

In developing a maximum revenue cap for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2028, the Commission analyses SA Water’s proposed expenditure, and forms a view on the overall prudent and efficient expenditure required (subject to Pricing Order requirements and Ministerial directions). The Commission does this so that the maximum revenue cap is based on the lowest sustainable cost for SA Water to efficiently deliver its essential services. Importantly, the Commission does not approve SA Water's specific projects, programs, budget or prices. SA Water remains responsible for determining its investment priorities and setting budgets for specific projects and programs. 

Please refer to the publications below and the project page, for further information on the SA Water regulatory determination 2024. 


Further information

Infographic - SAWRD24 timeline

SAWRD24 Timeline Infographic

Framework and approach

The Commission will make a new regulatory determination to apply to the South Australian Water Corporation (SA Water) from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2028: SA Water Regulatory Determination 2024 (SAWRD24).

The first step in the Commission’s Regulatory Determination process is to establish the Framework and Approach that will apply to SAWRD24. The Framework and Approach will set out the intended outcomes, strategies, overall process, governance arrangements and timetable. It will also include a list of subjects and topics that will be dealt with in detail in subsequent Guidance Papers.

Infographic - Economic regulation of SA Water

Economic regulation of SA Water infographic image

Guidance papers

Guidance Papers will be released throughout the review process to clarify the Commission’s expectations for SA Water for all stakeholders. The Guidance Papers will cover principles, requirements and methodology on matters relevant to the determination.

The Guidance Papers should be read in conjunction with the Framework and approach paper.

Issues paper

The Commission has released an Issues Paper as part of the review of the Water Retail Code – Major Retailers WRC-MR/03 (Code) and the SA Water Monitoring and Evaluating Performance Framework (MEPF). The review is being undertaken as part of the SA Water Regulatory Determination 2024 (SAWRD24). 

The Commission welcomes submissions from stakeholders on the questions identified on the Issues Paper, and any other relevant matters by 28 July 2023. For further information, please refer to the project page.

SA Water's regulatory business proposal

SA Water has submitted its regulatory business proposal covering the water and sewerage retail services it will provide from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2028. SA Water’s proposal is available on its website:

The Commission is seeking feedback from stakeholders on SA Water’s proposal by Wednesday, 4 October 2023. 

It is preferred that submissions are sent electronically to [email protected] with the subject ‘SAWRD24 submission – Regulatory Business Proposal.’

Further information about making a submission is available on the Commission’s website.  

Please refer above for further information on the timing of this review.

Regulatory determination

The Commission has made a regulatory determination to apply to the water and sewerage retail services provided by SA Water from 1 July 2024: SA Water Regulatory Determination 2024 (SAWRD24). 

SAWRD24 includes:

  • a price determination that sets four-year maximum revenue caps for the majority of SA Water’s water and sewerage retail services 
  • a separate price determination sets out pricing-related provisions in respect of recycled water and other ‘excluded’ retail services, that are not covered by the maximum revenue cap, and
  • service standards, reporting requirements and other customer service obligations as set out in the Water Retail Code - Major Retailers.