ESCOSA content iconElectricity generation licence application – The University of Adelaide

  • Project Released: 7 Dec 2020
  • Project Closes: Nov 2023
  • Contact: Jessica Farrell


The Commission has received an application from The University of Adelaide for an electricity generation licence to operate a 1.625 megavolt ampere solar and battery generating plant with a total export capacity of 1.46 megawatt, located at Roseworthy Campus, Roseworthy. 


Current status is Initiate

  • Initiate
  • Submissions
  • Final


The Commission has received an application from The University of Adelaide for an electricity generation licence in accordance with the Electricity Act 1996 (Electricity Act). The applicant is seeking to 1.625 megavolt ampere solar and battery generating plant with a total export capacity of 1.46 megawatt, located at Roseworthy Campus, Roseworthy.

In assessing an electricity generation licence application, the Commission considers the application against the relevant licensing provisions set out in the Electricity Act. It will also have regard to its primary objective under the Essential Services Commission Act 2002, being the protection of the long-term interests of South Australian consumers with respect to the price, quality and reliability of essential services, and other factors as they apply to the Commission's role as an economic regulator of the South Australian electricity industry.

In making its assessment, the Commission considers advice from the Office of the Technical Regulator. Matters related to health and environment protection are regulated under separate legislative frameworks.

The application is subject to a public consultation period closing on 9 January 2021. The Commission welcomes submissions on any matters relevant to the application.

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