ESCOSA content iconTransfer of electricity generation licence – Iberdrola Australia Energy Markets Pty Ltd

  • Project Released: 20 May 2022
  • Project Closes: Aug 2022
  • Contact: Adam Abrahams Zelko


The Commission has received an application from Iberdrola Energy Markets Pty Ltd for a variation and transfer of its electricity generation licence to take over the operation of four 34.22MVA GE TM2500 Gas Turbine Generators currently located at Lonsdale. The applicant is also seeking a variation to change the location of the generators from Lonsdale to Bolivar. 



Current status is Final

  • Initiate
  • Submissions
  • Final


On 29 August 2022, the Commission varied Iberdrola Australia Energy Markets Pty Ltd’s electricity generation licence, authorising the takeover of operations of four 34.22MVA GE TM2500 Gas Turbine Generators, currently licensed under the related entity Iberdrola Australia SAGT Pty Ltd, increasing the total generation capacity by 128.4MW. The variation also approved the change of location of the generators from Lonsdale to Bolivar.

As Iberdrola Australia SAGT Pty Ltd’s licence will no longer authorise any operations, the licence will be surrendered and removed from the Commission’s register. 

The Commission undertook a round of public consultation in relation to the application and received no submissions from stakeholders.

The Commission assessed Iberdrola Australia Energy Markets Pty Ltd’s application for an electricity generation licence against the relevant provisions of the Electricity Act 1996 and the Essential Services Commission Act 2002 and determined that all relevant criteria under those Acts have been satisfied. It has therefore approved the application.

A copy of the Iberdrola Australia Energy Markets Pty Ltd licence may be accessed below.