Licence fees

Wind farm


The Minister for Energy and Mining has set fees, in accordance with sections 16(2) and 20(3) of the Electricity Act 1996, for:

  • licence applications and
  • the annual licence fees.

Schedule outlining electricity licence fees

Electricity transmission operations
Murraylink $69,840
Other transmission  $5,000
Electricity distribution operations
SA Power Networks $3,228,500
Other distribution  $5,000
Electricity generation operations
Plant capacity 200MW and above
Plant capacity from 100MW < 200MW   $164,800
Plant capacity from 30MW < 100MW
Plant capacity from 5MW < 30MW   $16,500
Plant capacity from 100KVA < 5MW $1,450
Non-NEM connected generation $2,840
Electricity system controller operations
ElectraNet $10,000
Other electricity operations
Licences issued prior to 11 October 1999 $5,000
Non-NEM connected retail  $5,000
 Electricity licence application and transfer
All $5,000