Economic regulation of SA Water from 1 July 2016 - framework and approach
- Project Released: 21 Nov 2013
- Project Closes: 21 Nov 2014
- Contact: Nathan Petrus
The Commission has finalised the framework and approach to regulating SA
Water's revenues and services standards for the second regulatory period,
commencing 1 July 2016.
Current status is Final
- Initiate
- Submissions
- Final
The Commission has finalised the framework and approach to regulating SA
Water’s revenues and service standards for the second regulatory period, to
commence on 1 July 2016.
The SA Water price determination: final framework and approach paper sets out
the proposed overall process for the conduct of the determination, to be
conducted in 2015/16. It is intended to provide SA Water with reasonable
certainty as it develops its regulatory business proposal.
This paper also covers the principles and approach to setting service
standards, explaining the key issues and process for setting service measures
and targets to apply from 1 July 2016.
In finalising this paper, the Commission took account of all submissions
received in response to the draft framework and approach papers.