Review of the REES Guideline 2015
- Project Released: 31 Jul 2015
- Project Closes: 08 Sep 2015
- Contact: Richard Webster
The Retailer Energy Efficiency Scheme (REES) Guideline sets out reporting
requirements for the data that retailers report to the Commission to enable it
to apportion REES targets.
The Commission is seeking comment from all interested parties on draft
changes to the REES Guideline.
Current status is Final
The Commission has released its Final Decision on changes to the Retailer
Energy Efficiency Scheme (REES) Guideline. The changes to the Guideline:
- require customer sales to be based on actual consumption for the period 1
July to 30 June
- allow retailers to gross up customer sales by the relevant Distribution Loss
Factors (DLF) applying to the sites supplied
- require additional information to be provided by retailers in their
Statistical Information Annual Return
- provide examples of the types of records that retailers must maintain as
evidence of their designated energy purchases
- require retailers to have a documented process in place regarding producing
designated energy purchases data
- clarify that the Commission has the authority and power to administer REES
and deal with issues within the bounds of the legal framework.
These changes clarify matters in the Guideline and ensure consistency of
reporting by retailers.