Variation to electricity generation licence - SA Power Networks
- Project Released: 18 Mar 2020
- Project Closes: Mar 2022
- Contact: Natasha Cheshire
The Commission has received an application from SA Power Networks to vary its electricity generation licence, to extend its authorisation to operate:
- five aero-derivative turbines with a maximum capacity of 154MW at Edinburgh, and four aero derivative turbines with a maximum capacity of 123.2MW at Lonsdale.
Current status is Final
- Initiate
- Final
- Initiate
- Final
- Final
- Further info
Further info
The Commission granted SA Power Networks the authorisation to operate four GE TM2500 aero derivative turbines (each 30.7MW) with a maximum output of 122.8MW, located at Lonsdale, and five GE TM2500 aero derivative turbines (each 30.7MW) with a maximum output of 153.5MW, located at Edinburgh, on a temporary basis which has now expired. The operation of this generating plant has been taken over by other entities. The Commission has varied SA Power Networks’ electricity generation licence to remove the operation and conditions associated of these generators.
Please refer to the variation history in the licence for further information on variations approved by the Commission, pursuant to the criteria in the Electricity Act 1996 and the Essential Services Commission Act 2002.