Water retail licence application for exemption - Whyalla Golf Club Inc
- Project Released: 23 Aug 2017
- Project Closes: Feb 2018
- Contact: Jasmine Pedicini
The Commission has received an application from Whyalla Golf Club Inc for an exemption from the requirement to hold a water retail licence under the Water Industry Act 2012. Whyalla Golf Club Inc provides recycled water to two non-residential customers.
Current status is Further info
- Initiate
- Final
- Further info
On 27 April 2017, Whyalla Golf Club Incorporated (Whyalla Golf Club) applied to the Commission for an exemption from the requirement to hold a water retail licence under the Water Industry Act 2012 (the Act). Whyalla Golf Club provides non-drinking water to two non-residential customers.
The Commission undertook a round of public consultation in relation to the application for exemption and received no submissions from stakeholders.
The Commission has assessed the application against the relevant provisions of the Water Industry Act 2012 and the Essential Services Commission Act 2002 (as they apply to the Commission's role as an economic regulator of the South Australian water and sewerage service industries) and determined that it is appropriate to issue an exemption.
The Commission, with the approval of the Minister for Water and the River Murray, granted Whyalla Golf Club an exemption from the requirement to hold a water retail licence on 14 February 2018. A copy of the application and exemption can be accessed below.
Further info
Variation to Exemption Notice
Pursuant to section 108(4) of the Act, the Commission can vary an exemption by providing written notice.
The Commission has made an administrative correction to the exemption by varying the location from Meadows, South Australia to Whyalla, South Australia, to reflect the correct location in relation to the water retail services. All existing conditions imposed on the exemption remain in effect and the exemption continues until revoked by the Commission or operation of the law.
This publication serves as written notice for the purpose of section 108(4) of the Act. A copy of the variation to exemption can be accessed below.