Amendments to Guideline No 1 - financial reporting
- Project Released: 14 Jun 2006
- Project Closes: 03 Jul 2006
- Contact: Adam Wilson
Electricity industry guideline No 1: Electricity regulatory information
requirements - distribution: is an industry guideline made by the Commission
under section 8 of the Essential Services Commission Act.
The guideline requires ETSA Utilities to report to the Commission on its
performance (quarterly and annual) against the service standards imposed on it
under the electricity distribution code, as well as on its financial performance
as assessed against the requirements of the 2005 to 2010 electricity
distribution price determination.
Current status is Final
A review of the operational performance reporting requirements of the
guideline was completed earlier in 2005, but this latest version of the
guideline also incorporates some additional changes to the operational
performance aspects of the guideline.
The guideline's financial reporting requirements have been reviewed and
updated to ensure that they support the administration of the EDPD throughout
its five-year term, and that they provide relevant information for use by the
relevant regulator at the time of ETSA Utilities' next price review. The
Commission also took the opportunity to update the presentation of the document
in the review process.
The guideline applies to the 2005-2006 regulatory year and subsequent
regulatory years.