Review of the South Australian rail access regime - final report - Archived

28 Aug 2020


The Commission has released its final report on the review of the third party access regime that applies to declared rail infrastructure services in South Australia. That report was provided to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport (Minister) in August 2020. The decision to continue or cease the application of the regime rests with the Minister.

The Commission has determined that the South Australian intrastate rail access regime should continue to apply. It recommends that the regime operate for a further five-year period.

Based on consultation with stakeholders, the Commission highlighted in the review some potential improvements to the regime. Those changes include to:

  • broaden the concept of access seeker from train operator to also include an end-user
  • allow an arbitrator to make an interim order on access prices or other terms and conditions
  • introduce a consultative review mechanism by which an access seeker, or other interested party, could seek to have rail infrastructure services included in or excluded from the access regime. 

The Commission sees those changes noted above as worthy of further consideration by the South Australian Government. Any such assessment should consider both the costs and benefits of those changes. 


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