ESCOSA content iconPorts access review 2004

  • Project Released: 30 Nov 2003
  • Project Closes: 21 Apr 2004
  • Contact: Nathan Petrus


The Commission is conducting a review of the Ports Access Regime, which provides a framework for the negotiation of access to particular port services, known as “Regulated Services”, and provides for conciliation and arbitration to occur where access disputes arise.


Current status is Final

  • Initiate
  • Submissions
  • Final


The Commission has concluded its Review on the Ports Access Regime. Having considered the submissions from interested parties, the Commission recommends that the Ports Access Regime should continue for a further three years. The effect of this recommendation would be to allow the Ports Access Regime to continue in operation from 1 November 2004 up to and including 31 October 2007. However, continuation requires that the South Australian Government make a regulation extending its operation accordingly. The Commission has also identified some ancillary adjustments that the government may wish to make to the regime.