Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS) – annual report 2021

27 Jun 2022


The Commission has released the Retailer Energy Productivity Scheme (REPS) – annual report 2021.

The Report has been prepared in accordance with the Commission’s reporting obligations under the Electricity and Gas Regulations and the Ministers specifications. 

The REPS Annual Report 2021 provides an overview of the activity of obliged retailers under the REPS in 2021 as well the Commission’s observations on costs, competition in activity delivery and any identified barriers to competition. In particular, the report assesses the achievement of each obliged retailer against the 2021 Ministerial targets for undertaking energy productivity activities in South Australian households and businesses.

The key REPS outcomes for 2021 are:

  • The overall annual REPS targets were achieved and all obliged retailers met their individual targets.
  • Approximately 2.4 million GJ of deemed energy savings were delivered to 31,813 households and businesses. 
  • Approximately 538,989 GJ of deemed energy savings from 22,903 activities were delivered to priority group households (for example, residential premises in which a person resides who is experiencing hardship or holds an eligible concession or health card).
  • The average cost of activities delivered in 2021 was $14.42. 
  • There appears to be limited indicators of barriers to competition in activity delivery. Cost and reputation have been the primary considerations for the majority retailers in engaging activity providers.