Local Government Advice – information provision

08 Aug 2022


The Commission has released additional material regarding the information requirements for the Local Government Advice Scheme under the Local Government Act 1999 (LG Act). The Commission is the advisory body for the scheme and has determined the information requirements which it considers reasonably necessary for the performance of its functions.

Guideline for information provision under the Local Government Advice Scheme 2022-23
  • This document provides further detail on information requirements for councils participating in the scheme in 2022-23.  
  • It contains guidelines for the purposes of section 122(1e) to the LG Act, specifying information to be provided by 30 September 2022. 
  • It also indicates the general nature of information that the Commission might seek from individual councils through a formal written notice.

A sample Financial Reporting Template for 2022-23 (unpopulated version for information – note that the Commission will pre-populate each council’s Template in practice) has also been published, for reference.

For further information on the Guideline and Template, please refer to advice to local government.