ESCOSA content iconElectricity standing contract price adjustment 1 July 2012

  • Project Released: 15 Jun 2012
  • Project Closes: 15 Jun 2012
  • Contact: Peter Lim


The Commission has  released its decision in respect of the standing contract prices which AGL South Australia Pty Ltd (AGL SA) will be allowed to charge its South Australian electricity standing contract customers from 1 July 2012.


Current status is Final

  • Final


The Essential Services Commission of SA (the Commission) has today released its decision in respect of the standing contract prices which AGL South Australia Pty Ltd (AGL SA) will be allowed to charge its South Australian electricity standing contract customers from 1 July 2012.

The standing contract price will increase by 18%, largely due to the impact of the solar feed-in tariff scheme on network prices, other increases in network charges, and the introduction of a price on carbon emissions. In announcing its decision, the Commission has also announced the commencement of an investigation into the retail costs that comprise the standing contract price, particularly the wholesale cost component, which represents around 40% of the total price.