REPS FAQs for households and businesses

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FAQs for households and businesses

Who can access REPS activities*

All South Australian households and businesses can take part in the REPS. Your participation in the scheme is voluntary.
*Please contact the activity providers for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

What REPS activities can I choose from?

REPS activities that may be available for your home or business include*:

  • Energy efficient lighting
  • Water saving showerheads
  • Hot water upgrades
  • Air conditioner upgrades
  • Energy efficient appliances such as a fridge, freezer, or clothes dryer

View all 31 REPS activities offered that obliged energy retailers may choose to provide. However, generally not all activities are offered by all activity providers and the activities offered may be subject to change and availability.

*Please contact the activity providers for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

How do I access REPS activities?

Participating in the REPS is easy.

Step 1View all 31 energy productivity activities offered through the REPS that obliged energy retailers may choose to provide. However, generally not all activities are offered by all activity providers and the activities offered may be subject to change and availability.

Step 2: To access REPS activities, please contact an activity provider that is offering the activity you need.

Step 3: The activity provider will advise on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

How do I receive the REPS rebate?

The REPS is not a rebate scheme, in that no set cash rebate is provided by the South Australian government for each activity undertaken. 

As part of the REPS, obliged energy retailers may choose to provide incentives (free or reduced-price efficient products) to South Australian households and businesses. 

Please contact the activity providers for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

View all 31 REPS activities offered that obliged energy retailers may choose to provide.

How do I know if the person coming to my home is a REPS activity provider?

Each person conducting an energy productivity activity in your home or business for the purposes of the scheme must wear an identification badge containing:

  • the person’s full name
  • a recent colour photograph of the person
  • the full name of the company that they are representing (including ABN), and
  • a current contact telephone number of the company that they are representing.

For more information see FAQ ‘Your rights under the REPS’.

Is it compulsory to upgrade my home or business to energy efficient products?

No, your participation is voluntary. You do not have to accept any offers made by obliged energy retailers or activity providers. 

Like any other type of consumer decision making, you should shop around to ensure that you are receiving the right type of product or upgrade at a competitive price. An energy efficient upgrade can also be performed by a business that does not participate in the REPS.

What do I do if a doorknocker insists that I take part in the REPS?

Your participation in the scheme is voluntary. You do not need to allow anyone into your home, and you do not need to agree to any offers made by obliged energy retailers or activity providers. 

The REPS Code sets out general conduct standards aimed at protecting customers. If you have experienced an aggressive doorknocker, there are options you can pursue to make a complaint. Firstly, you may contact the business directly and advise them about the behaviour you have experienced. If you are still unsatisfied, you may contact the Commission by phone (08) 8389 8803 or email [email protected] or Consumer and Business Services on 131 882 (Mon – Fri 9:00am-4:30pm) to talk to an officer.

How much will it cost?

Please contact the activity providers directly for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

Obliged energy retailers may choose to provide incentives (free or reduced-price efficient products) to South Australian households and businesses. 

Some REPS activities may require a minimum co-payment of $33 (including GST) to be paid once per premises. This co-payment does not apply to priority group households.  For example, a priority group household may be where the resident holds a health care card or a pensioner concession card. *For more information, please see FAQ - What is a priority group household?

Like any other type of consumer decision making, you should shop around to ensure that you are receiving the right type of product or upgrade at a competitive price. An energy efficient upgrade can also be performed by a business that does not participate in the REPS.

What is a priority group household?

Some REPS activities may require a minimum co-payment of $33 (including GST) to be paid once per premises. This co-payment does not apply to priority group households.

The Minister for Energy and Mining defines a priority group household as residential premises in which a person resides who:

  • holds a Commonwealth Government pensioner concession card
  • holds a TPI Gold Repatriation Health Card
  • holds a War Widows Gold Repatriation Health Card
  • holds a Gold Repatriation Health Card (EDA)
  • holds a Health Care Card (including a Low-Income Health Care Card)
  • receives the South Australian government energy bill concession
  • has a residential tenancy agreement with the landlord of the premises and the rent for the premises is $400 or less per week
  • is actively participating in an energy retailer hardship program
  • is actively participating in an energy retailer’s payment plan (offered and applied as per section 50 of the National Energy Retail Law)
  • has received a referral from a registered member of the South Australian Financial Counsellors Association (SAFCA).

Please contact the activity providers directly for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

How many times can I have a REPS activity?

A REPS activity may be performed once in your home or business unless permitted in the activity’s specifications. For example, in a household, if you receive a water saving shower head in one visit, you may receive energy efficient lights in a following visit but may not be eligible for additional shower heads. 

Please contact the activity providers for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

Can I access REPS activities if I rent my home?

If you reside in a rental premises, it may be necessary to first obtain the permission of the landlord or landlord’s agent before the REPS activity is delivered.

Please contact the activity providers for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

Can REPS activities be delivered in government owned housing?

Public or community residential premises owned by the South Australian Government are only eligible to receive REPS activities where the recipient is a residential tenant, and the activity is not a standard service provided by the manager of the premises. Some REPS activities that are not considered to be a standard service include energy efficient lighting, water saving showerheads, standby power controllers and energy efficient appliances (at tenant’s expense only). 

Bulletin no. 12 - REPS activities in government owned housing, lists REPS activities not considered to be a standard service and may be delivered, subject to eligibility and any necessary landlord permission. 

If unsure of the ownership of a premises, title details are available to search using the SAILIS database from Land Services SA

Please contact the activity providers for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

What if the REPS activity I need is not available?

There are 31 energy productivity activities offered through the REPS that obliged energy retailers may choose to provide. However, generally not all activities are offered by all activity providers and the activities offered may be subject to change and availability.

Please contact an activity provider that is offering the energy productivity activity you need. The activity provider will provide advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

When does the REPS rebate run out?

There is no REPS rebate provided by the South Australian government for activities delivered. As part of the REPS, obliged energy retailers may choose to provide incentives (free or reduced-price efficient products) to South Australian households and businesses. 

Please contact activity providers for activities offered and availability. The activity provider will advise on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

The REPS will be delivered in two consecutive five-year stages, 2021-2025 and 2026-2030. For REPS 2021-2025, the REPS year commences on 1 January and ends 31 December.  

How do I make a complaint about a REPS activity I received?

You should take all due care to ensure that an energy efficiency upgrade at your property meets your needs.

If you are not happy with the quality of work, or require more information, speak to your activity provider. If you are unhappy with their response or are concerned that the activity provider has not complied with the requirements of the REPS, you can contact the Commission by phone (08) 8389 8803 or email [email protected].

How do I make a complaint about a REPS activity that I am awaiting?

If the REPS activity has not been carried out, you may contact the activity provider directly and advise them of your concerns. If you are still unsatisfied, you may contact Consumer and Business Services on 131 882 (Mon – Fri 9:00am-4:30pm) to talk to an officer who will attempt to resolve the issue.

There are 31 energy productivity activities offered through the REPS that obliged energy retailers may choose to provide. However, generally not all activities are offered by all activity providers and the activities offered may be subject to change and availability.
Alternatively, you may contact a different activity provider that is offering the activity you need. 

Why is there a wait time to receive a REPS activity?

The REPS is a South Australian Government initiative that encourages households and businesses to reduce energy usage, save money on energy bills and help the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 

The REPS achieves this by setting energy productivity targets to be met by obliged energy retailers (retailers) which can be achieved by delivering eligible energy productivity activities (activities) to homes and businesses. A wait time may arise when the retailer has reached its annual target, generally near the end of the current REPS year, so activities may be postponed and delivered when the new REPS year begins. The REPS year commences on 1 January and ends 31 December.  

There may be a wait time to access an activity due to increased customer demand during a specific time of the year, for example, during summer, there is likely to be a longer wait time to install an air conditioner. There may be disruptions in supply chains so eligible products could be out of stock and there may be a shortage of skilled workers that are trained to undertake REPS activities. 

In addition, retailers and activity providers are required to comply with the scheme requirements, for example, to protect customers they must demonstrate they have procedures, processes and controls in place to ensure compliance with the activity specifications and general specifications gazetted by the Minister and adhere to the REPS Code. This means there could be a wait time to have an activity delivered in your home or business because the activity provider must follow each step in the process to deliver the activity in a safe and compliant manner. 

The Commission understands this may cause inconvenience for some customers, so is proactively working with retailers and activity providers to monitor and help minimise the impact this may have on South Australian households and businesses. 

Please contact the activity providers directly for advice on availability, eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities

Like any other type of consumer decision making, you should shop around to ensure that you are receiving the right type of product or upgrade at a competitive price. An energy efficient upgrade can also be performed by a business that does not participate in the REPS.

Visit the ESCOSA website to learn more about the REPS or contact the Commission if you have any further questions, feedback or comments. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Information on power usage, how to save on energy bills and using power more efficiently in your home or business:

REPS activities that may be available for your home or business*

Your participation in the scheme is voluntary. You do not have to accept any offers made by obliged energy retailers or activity providers. 

Like any other type of consumer decision making, you should shop around to ensure that you are receiving the right type of product or upgrade at a competitive price. An energy efficient upgrade can also be performed by a business that does not participate in the REPS.

*Please contact the activity providers for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

Energy efficient lighting

You can save on your lighting costs by installing energy-saving lighting technology such as LEDs. LED bulbs produce good light quality, use less power and last longer, so you won’t have to replace them as often.


  • be a South Australian household or business that meets the activity eligibility requirements
  • all existing lighting equipment that is replaced must be in working order at the time of the upgrade
  • the existing lighting being replaced has not previously been installed for the purposes of the REPS
  • lighting can be delivered twice per premises, providing all other aspects of the specification are met
  • where the installed product and minimum installation requirements can be met. 

*Please contact the activity providers for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

How to organise a lighting upgrade 

Step 1: view all lighting activities offered through the REPS that obliged energy retailers may choose to provide

Step 2: contact an activity provider that is offering the lighting activity you need

Step 3: The activity provider will advise on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

Hot water upgrades

Water heating can account for a large portion of your energy bill. It’s possible to reduce these costs by upgrading to a more efficient hot water system. 


  • be a South Australian household or business that meets the activity eligibility requirements 
  • you have not received the water heating activity previously for the purposes of the REPS
  • the activity can be performed once per premises, however:
  • where the installed product and minimum installation requirements can be met. 

*Please contact the activity providers for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

How to organise a hot water upgrade 

Step 1:  view all water heating activities offered through the REPS that obliged energy retailers may choose to provide

Step 2: contact an activity provider that is offering the water heating activity you need

Step 3: The activity provider will advise on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

Air conditioner upgrades

The cost of heating and cooling your home or business can be a significant part of your energy bills. By replacing old heating and cooling systems with more energy-efficient ones or simply purchasing new energy-efficient ones, you can significantly reduce costs and energy use associated with heating and cooling.


  • be a South Australian household or business that meets the activity eligibility requirements 
  • you have not received the heating and cooling activity previously for the purposes of the REPS
  • the activity can be performed once per premises, however;
    • multiple replacement heating and cooling systems may be eligible for a premises only where it can be evidenced that each pre-existing system (in working order) has been replaced by another system and installed on the same day or,
    • multiple new heating and cooling systems may be eligible for a premises only where it can be evidenced that the systems were installed on the same day
  • where the installed product and minimum installation requirements can be met. 

*Please contact the activity providers for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

How to organise an air conditioner upgrade 

Step 1: view all heating and cooling activities offered through the REPS that obliged energy retailers may choose to provide

Step 2: contact an activity provider that is offering the heating and cooling activity you need

Step 3: The activity provider will advise on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

Energy efficient appliances such as a fridge, freezer, or clothes dryer

Household appliances are a major contributor to energy use. Investing in energy-efficient appliances is a great way to save money and reduce your energy use over many years.


  • be a South Australian household or business that meets the activity eligibility requirements 
  • you have not received the appliances activity previously for the purposes of the REPS
  • the activity can be performed once per premises, however;
  • multiple appliances may be eligible for a premises only where it can be evidenced that the appliances were purchased on the same day
  • where the installed product and minimum installation requirements can be met. 

*Please contact the activity providers for advice on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 

How to organise an appliances activity 

Step 1:  view all appliances activities offered through the REPS that obliged energy retailers may choose to provide

Step 2: contact an activity provider that is offering the appliances activity you need

Step 3: The activity provider will advise on eligibility and any costs that may be involved with the delivery of REPS activities. 


Your rights under the REPS

The REPS Code sets out minimum obligations aimed at protecting consumers. The REPS Code applies to everyone involved in delivering and marketing REPS activities. 

General conduct standards

If you are contacted by a REPS obliged retailer or activity provider, they must: 

  • comply with all applicable Commonwealth and State laws
  •  explain why they are contacting you
  •  not say things that are misleading, deceptive, or false 
  •  not use high-pressure tactics, harass, or coerce to sell or market products or services
  •  provide information that is truthful, complete and in plain language, and 
  •  leave the premises immediately when asked

Information provision

At the time of booking a REPS activity with you, an obliged retailer must:  

  •  disclose the amount of any required co-payment payable for the proposed REPS activity.

Prior to any REPS activity being commenced, the obliged retailer must: 

  •  provide you with the final total costs payable for the REPS activity (including, but not limited to any additional costs that may be applicable following a visit to your home or business), and
  •  advise you of your right to not proceed with obtaining the REPS activity.

On or prior to the date of commencement of the REPS activity an information statement must be provided to you that sets out: 

  •  the name and contact details of the person or business which performed the REPS activity
  •  a description of the REPS activity undertaken in your home or business
  •  notes that the REPS activity is intended to be counted towards an obliged retailer’s obligations under the REPS
  •  how you may access the dispute resolution processes for any complaints regarding the REPS activity and provide the relevant contact details for those processes and
  •  the amount of any required co-payment payable for the proposed REPS activity.

An obliged retailer must collect and record the information specified in Schedule 1 of the REPS Code, in relation to each energy productivity activity at the time the activity is performed including (but not limited to): 

  •  Transaction Id
  •  Transaction date
  •  A signed statement from the installer certifying that the energy productivity activities have been undertaken in accordance with the minimum requirements of the REPS
  •  A signed statement from the customer certifying that the energy productivity activities have been undertaken in the customer’s premises and that a copy of the REPS information statement has been left with the customer.


Each person conducting an energy productivity activity in your home or business for the purposes of the scheme must wear an identification badge containing:

  •  the person’s full name
  •  a recent colour photograph of the person
  •  the full name of the company that they are representing (including ABN), and
  •  a current contact telephone number of the company that they are representing.

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