ESCOSA content iconSouth Australian rail access regime inquiry 2009

  • Project Released: 20 Feb 2009
  • Project Closes: 08 Dec 2009
  • Contact: Peter Lim


The Commission has finalised its inquiry into the access regime that applies to the major intrastate railways in South Australia. The inquiry focused on the extent to which the existing access regime is consistent with certain principles of the Competition and Infrastructure Reform Agreement (CIRA), entered into by COAG in February 2006.  This Inquiry also examined areas where the access regime could be improved.


Current status is Final

  • Initiate
  • Submissions
  • Draft
  • Submissions
  • Final


The Commission has finalised its inquiry into the access regime that applies to the major intrastate railways in South Australia. The release of this final inquiry report marks the completion of the SA Rail access regime inquiry in accordance with the terms of reference, as set by the Acting Treasurer, and the objectives set out under section 6 of the Essential  Services Commission Act 2002 (ESC Act).

The Commission has concluded that the access regime is generally consistent with the requirements of clause 2 of the CIRA, although the Commission recommends that certain amendments to the access regime could be made to achieve greater consistency, and that there are some minor modifications that could be made to otherwise improve the manner in which the access regime operates.

The final inquiry report has been prepared following public consultation on an issues paper in February 2009 and a draft inquiry report in July 2009.