ESCOSA content iconPorts pricing and access review 2017

  • Project Released: 30 Sep 2016
  • Project Closes: Oct 2017
  • Contact: Stuart Peevor


The Maritime Services (Access) Act 2000 requires the Essential Services Commission (Commission) to review the South Australian ports Access Regime every five years. The Commission’s 2017 Ports Pricing and Access Review is being conducted to meet this requirement.

The Review will consider the following questions:

* Should the ports Access Regime continue for a further five‐year period from 31 October 2017?
* Should the ports Price Regime continue for a further five-year period from 31 October 2017? If it is to continue, what form of price regulation should be adopted?


Current status is Final

  • Initiate
  • Submissions
  • Draft
  • Submissions
  • Final
  • Further info

Further info

Following its review into the continuation of the South Australian ports access and pricing regimes, the Commission has released a Price Determination enabling the existing ports price monitoring arrangements to continue from 31 October 2017 up to and including 30 October 2022. This price determination replaces the 2012 Ports Price Determination, which expires on 30 October 2017.

The Minister for Transport and Infrastructure has accepted the Commission's recommendation to continue the Access Regime through until 30 October 2022 and a regulation was made on 17 October 2017 to extend the Regime for a further five years.


The Commission has completed its Ports Access and Pricing Review and:

  • proposes the ports Access Regime should continue to 30 October 2022,
  • and has concluded the ports Pricing Regime should continue to 30 October 2022.

The Commission has formed the view that there are some areas where consideration should be given to improving the regimes. Those areas are:

  • the level and type of infrastructure covered by the regimes 
  • the consistency of services in-scope of the regimes, and
  • integrating the regimes into a state-wide transport regime.