The Commission has formed the view that an inquiry into the way in which it regulates small-scale utility operations is necessary and desirable at this time to ensure that the regulatory frameworks it applies under industry regulation Acts is consistent with its primary statutory objective, and is proportionate and responsive to recent and emerging issues.
The Commission is to inquire into appropriate regulatory arrangements (including subsidiary regulatory instruments such as industry codes) and price regulation arrangements to apply in relation to small-scale water supplies, sewerage services, non-national market electricity and reticulated Liquid Petroleum Gas supplies (small scale water, sewerage and energy services), for the purposes of carrying out its functions.
This will occur through the Commission adopting a verified trust and accountability regulatory approach to small-scale networks, as well as requiring all small-scale network licensees to become members of the Energy and Water Ombudsman (SA) Limited scheme.
The approach has been informed by submissions to the August 2020 Draft Inquiry Report. It will formally begin 1 July 2022 after an implementation phase. The Commission looks forward to continuing engagement with stakeholders through the implementation phase.