Annual gas distribution tariff adjustment 2004-05
- Project Released: 10 May 2004
- Project Closes: 25 Jun 2004
- Contact: Peter Lim
The Commission has approved Envestra’s gas distribution network tariffs to
apply for the period 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005.
Current status is Final
The Commission has approved Envestra’s tariff
adjustment statement on the basis that it demonstrates compliance with the
Reference Policy set out in the Access Arrangement. The approved statement sets
out gas distribution tariffs that would apply for the period July 2004 to 30
June 2005.
As the distribution component comprises around 50%
of an average residential gas bill, the approved Envestra’s distribution tariffs
will add approximately $5 to a typical annual residential gas bill (GST
The remaining 50% of an average residential gas
bill is comprised of Origin Energy’s retail tariffs, which is considered by the
Commission separately.