Review of Electricity Transmission Code
- Project Released: 14 Apr 2011
- Project Closes: 06 Mar 2012
- Contact: Stuart McPherson
ElectraNet SA Pty Ltd (ElectraNet) operates the main electricity transmission
network in South Australia and is required to comply with the electricity
transmission code (the code), which has been made by the Commission pursuant to
Part 4 of the Essential Services Commission Act 2002 (ESC Act).
The code requires ElectraNet to maintain the specified level of reliability
and supply restoration standards. These performance standards are reviewed
periodically and as may be appreciated from the nature and scope of transmission
operations, exit point reliability standards are one of the drivers of
ElectraNet’s revenue requirements. As such, any changes to the exit point
reliability standards over time will have cost implications for ElectraNet and
therefore price implications for South Australian consumers.
ElectraNet's revenue allowance is determined by the Australian Energy
Regulator (AER) who will be reviewing ElectraNet's revenue requirements during
2012-13 for the 5-year regulatory period commencing July 2013. The code exit
point reliability standards are relevant to this review and outcomes from this
review will influence ElectraNet's revenue submission to the AER.
Current status is Final
- Initiate
- Submissions
- Draft
- Submissions
- Final
Following the period of public consultation on the draft decision and draft
version of the code, the Commission considered the comments received in
submissions from interested parties and has released its final decision on the
review of the code.
The electricity transmission code, version TC/07, incorporating the
Commission's final decisions, will take effect on and from 1 July 2013.