Electricity transmission framework review 2028-2033
- Project Released: 11 Dec 2024
- Project Closes: Jan 2027
- Contact: Simon Whitehead
The Commission has commenced a review of the South Australian Electricity Transmission Framework that it administers:
- the Electricity Transmission Code (Code) and
- Electricity Guideline 3 - Transmission and System Control (Guideline 3)
ElectraNet Pty Ltd (ElectraNet) is the primary monopoly provider of electricity transmission services in South Australia and is licenced by the Commission pursuant to Part 3 of the Electricity Act 1996 (Electricity Act). ElectraNet’s licence requires compliance, pursuant to Part 3 of the Essential Services Commission Act 2002 (ESC Act), with all standards and obligations made under the Code and Guideline 3.
The Code and Guideline 3 are crucial for protecting South Australian consumers. The standards and obligations outlined in the Code and Guideline 3 pertain to the quality, safety and reliability of electricity transmission services. It is important to note that the majority of ElectraNet’s operations and its economic regulation are carried out under the national energy regulatory framework as administered, relevantly, by the Australian Energy Regulator and the Australian Energy Market Operator.
Current status is Initiate
- Initiate
- Submissions
- Draft
- Submissions
- Final
In accordance with the Essential Services Commission Act 2002, the Commission has commenced a review into the electricity transmission regulatory framework that it administers: the Electricity Transmission Code and Electricity Industry Guideline 3.
The standards and obligations outlined in the Code and Guideline 3 pertain to the quality, safety and reliability of electricity transmission services.
ElectraNet is the primary monopoly provider of electricity transmission services in South Australia and is licenced by the Commission. ElectraNet’s licence requires compliance with all standards and obligations made under the Code and Guideline 3. It is important to note that the majority of ElectraNet’s operations and its economic regulation are carried out under the national energy regulatory framework as administered, relevantly, by the Australian Energy Regulator and the Australian Energy Market Operator.
This consultation paper outlines the purpose and scope of the review of the electricity transmission regulatory framework, provides background information regarding the role and regulation of the providers of electricity transmission services, outlines the scope of the Code and Guideline 3, and seeks to obtain comments and feedback from stakeholders on key matters to inform the Commission’s draft and final decisions.
Submissions on the consultation paper are invited by 21 February 2025. Further consultation will be initiated with the publication of a draft decision mid-2025.