SA Water's historical performance outcomes

SA Water

Historical performance reports

Performance summary 2021-22

In 2021-22, SA Water met 20 out of the 22 service standard targets set by the Commission but did not meet the targets for the following service standards:

  • Sewer overflow clean-up timeliness – Adelaide Metropolitan, and
  • Sewer overflow clean-up timeliness – Regional.

For clean ups of sewer overflow events for Adelaide Metropolitan, SA Water had a performance of 97 percent against the target of 98 percent of sewer events attended by field crews within the target timeframes. This is the second year in a row that SA Water has failed to meet this target because in 2020-21, they had a performance of 96 percent.

For clean ups of sewer overflow events for Regional, SA Water had a performance of 98 percent against the target of 99 percent of sewer events attended by field crews within the target timeframes.

As SA Water did not meet the above service standard targets, the Commission recommends that SA Water review its ongoing performance in this area. The Commission will consider trends in performance, when it reviews SA Water’s achievement against service standards in 2022-23.

Performance summary 2020-21

In 2020-21, SA Water did not meet the targets for the following service standards:
  • Water event responsiveness – low priority – Adelaide metropolitan area, and
  • Sewer overflow clean-up timeliness – Adelaide metropolitan area.
For responsiveness to low priority water network events in the Adelaide Metropolitan area, SA Water had a performance of 79 percent against the target of 83 percent of water break, leak and boundary events with low to medium customer or community impact attended by field crews within the target timeframes to resolve an issue. This is a new service standard that commenced on 1 July 2020 and the target was set to maintain historical performance. 

For clean ups of sewer overflow events in the Adelaide Metropolitan area, SA Water had a performance of 96 percent against the target of 98 percent of sewer events attended by field crews within the target timeframes. This is an existing service standard carried over from the previous regulatory determination and the target was set to maintain historical performance.

As SA Water did not meet the above service standard targets, the Commission recommends that SA Water review its ongoing performance in this area. The Commission will consider trends in performance, when it reviews SA Water’s achievement against service standards in 2021-22.


Annual performance reports 2019-20

Annual performance reports 2018-19

Annual performance reports 2017-18

Annual performance reports 2016-17

Annual performance reports 2015-16


Annual performance report 2014-15

Annual performance report 2013-14

Annual performance reports 2012-13

Historical operational performance (2016-2021)

SA Water's performance - time series data (up to June 2020)