ESCOSA content icon2019 Review of the water third party access regime

  • Project Released: 2 Nov 2018
  • Project Closes: Jul 2019
  • Contact: Mark Caputo


On 1 July 2016, a regime was established that provides a framework for third parties to negotiate access to specified water and sewerage infrastructure services provided by SA Water, with the potential for arbitration should negotiations fail. The Commission is the regulator of that access regime.

The Commission is required to review the effectiveness of the access regime in addressing the potential for information asymmetries and misuse of market power by SA Water in dealing with prospective third party access seekers.

The Commission is then required to make a recommendation to the Minister for Environment and Water as to whether or not the regime should continue from 1 July 2019 for a further five years.



Current status is Final

  • Initiate
  • Submissions
  • Draft
  • Submissions
  • Final


The Commission has conducted a review of the third party access regime that applies to the South Australian water industry, in accordance with Section 86ZR of the Water Industry Act 2012 (Act). The Commission’s final report on the review was provided to the Minister for Environment and Water in May 2019. 

The Commission’s findings were that the third party access regime provides some overall benefit and therefore should continue for a further five years. In accordance with the Act (and following a recommendation of the Commission), the operation of the third party access regime was extended by five years from 1 July 2019.