Consumers - energy


The Commission is responsible for establishing the service standards that the electricity and gas network businesses ElectraNetSA Power Networks and Australian Gas Networks, must deliver to South Australian customers.

The majority of South Australian customers have entered into a market contract arrangement with the energy retailer of their choice. This means that they receive the benefits of the consumer protections established and administered by the Australian Energy Regulator, but the prices they pay are set by their energy retailer.

icon-electricity Electricity Industry

Electricity retailers buy electricity through the National Electricity Market (NEM) and sell it to consumers.

Network service providers (transmission and distribution companies) transport (or "supply") the electricity (sold to retailers) from generators to consumers and charge consumers network charges for use of the network.

In the electricity supply industry, each customer has a separate contractual relationship with a retailer and the distributor, SA Power Network (formerly known as ETSA Utilities).

 icon-gas Gas Industry

Gas retailers sell and supply gas to "end use" consumers such as residential households and businesses.

As is the case in the electricity retail market, the gas retail market is subject to competition and gas retailers can decide what prices to charge customers on market contracts.