ESCOSA content iconElectricity generation licence variation - Waterloo Wind Farm

  • Project Released: 17 Sep 2015
  • Project Closes: 19 Jan 2016
  • Contact: Julie Dixon


The Commission has received an application from Waterloo Wind Farm Pty Ltd for a variation to its electricity generation licence. The licensee is seeking to add to its authorised activities six wind turbines with an additional capacity of 19.8MW.


Current status is Final

  • Initiate
  • Submissions
  • Final


On 17 December 2015, the Commission approved the application from Waterloo Wind Farm Pty Ltd  seeking a variation to its electricity generation licence. Waterloo Wind Farm Pty Ltd  applied to add to its authorised activities six Vestas 117 - 3.3MW wind turbine electricity generators, increasing the total combined maximum output capacity of the generator to 130.8 MW.

In making its decision, the Commission has been assisted by the submissions it has received. While the Commission did not adopt all positions put in submissions, all submissions were helpful in informing the consideration of the relevant issues and the competing viewpoints.

Further, the Commission has considered advice received from the Office of the Technical Regulator, EPA and AEMO in relation to the technical and safety matters relevant to the application.

Finally, the Commission has assessed the application against the relevant provisions of the Electricity Act 1996 and the Essential Services Commission Act 2002 (as they apply to the Commission's role as an economic regulator of the South Australian electricity industry) and determined that all relevant criteria have been satisfied and the licence issued to Waterloo Wind Farm Pty Ltd.